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3 posts tagged with "failure"

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Talking About Failure

· 3 min read
Kam Lasater
Builder of things

Awwww snap!

When I was a younger I went on several rock climbing and mountaineering expeditions. I was exposed to some instructors and practitioners that took staying safe in the mountains very seriously. One of them carried a book from The American Alpine Club on climbing accidents. The accidents were never the cause of a single bad choice. They were caused by a series of decisions, taken over time, that combined to create the conditions for the accident.

How to Fail at Serverless: Serverless is Stateless

· 5 min read
Kam Lasater
Builder of things

This blog series is an extended version of a talk I gave at Serverless Days NYC 2022. The goal is to share ways that a "friend of mine" has failed at serverless to help level up the community. Just as the transportation industry shares accident report analysis with the whole industry to improve safety, we in the software community need to do the same. This is my attempt to do that.