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18 posts tagged with "cyclic"

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How to go from 0 to 1 - Growing users for a new product or service

· 2 min read
Kam Lasater
Builder of things

Runner in starting blocks

As a repeat founder I get the question from entrepreneurs and others: "how do you get your first users?"

For me, this is actually the easiest stage. I think of acquiring and growing a group of users differently based on the scale of the existing user base. There is a great book that talks about going 0 to 1 (\_to\_One). What I mean here is how to go from 0 users to 1 user.

We sound like idiots when we talk about technical debt

· 6 min read
Kam Lasater
Builder of things

One does not simply ask product to prioritize technical debt meme

Does this sound familar?

Techie: We are drowning in technical debt!

Business person: Oh really! What is it costing us?

Techie: Oh, it’s not that. What I’m saying is the code doesn’t use best practices, there are alot of things hard coded and lots of spaghetti code. It makes the code really brittle.

Business person: But can we still deliver what we promised to Big Co Inc?

Techie: Yes, but we will have to do some workarounds. Working on the system is painful and what could have been a one day job will instead take a week. We really need to refactor!

Business person: Ah. That's good news. Our number one priority right now is Big Co Inc.

Conclusion: You don’t like your job because it is hard and/or annoying. I will tell your dev manager to ask you to work on the weekend.

AWS Tools Suck

· 3 min read
Kam Lasater
Builder of things


If you have ever worked with AWS as a developer then you will know what I mean, AWS tools suck. They suck so bad there is an entire industry focused on solving for this pile of suck. For just Infrastructure as Code, for example, there are Terraform, Pulumi and Serverless Framework. AWS is famous for "listening to customers". So what gives? Why do their tools still feel clunky, complex and riddled with infuriating edge cases?

AWS Budget Alerts Based on Cost

· 2 min read
Kam Lasater
Builder of things

AWS Cost Explorer

If you have used AWS you know how costs can sneak up on you. I have experience getting a heart stopping bill at a previous startup. With Cyclic I've decided I want to start adding controls and alerts from the start.

I recently found that AWS added Cloud Formation support for Budgets (AWS::Budgets::Budget). You can create a quick budget to to notify you of either actual COST limits or FORECASTED cost limits. Here is a sample Cloud Formation example.

Why I Started Cyclic

· 2 min read
Kam Lasater
Builder of things

Cyclic Logo (original)

At my last company we had a micro-services architecture. We also focused on recruiting developers who were smart and dedicated, but not yet experienced. When they started we would task them to add some new functionality. This would require on the order of perhaps 20 to 50 lines of business logic.